Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The ManMohan Punch

What a fight it was. The government fighting for its survival led by a PM who was fighting for his ideals. A Prime Minister fed up at last of the Left's fear tactics to just push the government back every time it wanted to take a bold step. I think Mr. Prakash Karat got it all wrong and so did Mr. L.K. Advani.

While Advani should have been more careful in his attacks due to his huge experience at the national level. Mr. Karat in my view forgot the real standing of his party amongst others. A few roll backs by the Congress leadership in the beginning stages of the UPA government made Mr. Karat feel invincible. He forgot that while he may take inspiration from the Chinese for every move this is India and that they wont turn up to topple the government if he did not have the required numbers.

But, really the real blow was for Mr. Advani. A scathing attack by a prime minister facing a confidence motion which he eventually won. Dr. Singh returned all the favours at a time when the whole of India was watching. With general elections just one and a half years away such a public disgrace is not desirable for a person desirous of becoming the next PM.

A part of Mr. Manmohan's reply to the debate on confidence motion:

As for Shri Advani’s various charges, I do not wish to waste the time of the House in rebutting them. All I can say is that before leveling charges of incompetence on others, Shri Advani should do some introspection. Can our nation forgive a Home Minister who slept when the terrorists were knocking at the doors of our Parliament? Can our nation forgive a person who single handedly provided the inspiration for the destruction of the Babri Masjid with all the terrible consequences that followed? To atone for his sins, he suddenly decided to visit Pakistan and there he discovered new virtues in Mr. Jinnah. Alas, his own party and his mentors in the RSS disowned him on this issue. Can our nation approve the conduct of a Home Minister who was sleeping while Gujarat was burning leading to the loss of thousands of innocent lives?

And i am sure the smirk that Ms. Mayawati was carrying must have been wiped of completely off her face. I recall someone saying 'Mayawati for PM'. Seriously, where do they get these wierd thoughts.

Really even for the country this was the only sane choice that it had. Imagine being ruled by Mr. Advani who has no hesitations in changing his position on a subject just for power. Or by the Left who are more concerned about what the Chinese think about Indian policies rather than our national interests. Or on a very weird note being ruled by Ms. Mayawati and then being forced to learn about Ambedkar and Kanshiram instead of Gandhi and Nehru.

BJP should really decide on some really good agendas for the upcoming general elections otherwise Congress, under this confident and brave government will wipe out its existence.

If Mr. Manmohan now pushes ahead with these reforms no one can stop India from achieving the 10% growth not even the oil and food prices. Because now there's nothing to stop him. I am sure his dream of a developed India, when he was a litle boy from a distant village will surely be fulfilled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

democracy has proven to be fellowship of the fools. where everybody and nobody get what they want. we're the largest and presumably the stupidest democracy ever.
the day mayawati turns prime minister, it'll be a huge insult to every Indian's intelligence let alone the country's profound development standards..and sadly, she does sport a chance.